Now Let us create a feature file along with the steps package which has a python file of step definitions data and implement allure report logs for the test methods.
# This is a Feature file Feature: Fill the Contact Form Scenario: User Login credentials Given Launch the App and Click on Login Button When Enter UserID When Enter password Then Verify Home Screen Scenario: Teacher Login credentials Given Launch the App and Click on Teacher Login Button When Enter Teacher UserID When Enter Teacher password Then Verify Teacher Home Screen
import allure from behave import given, when, then @given("Launch the App and Click on Login Button") def methodOne(context): print("L1 - Launching the App") allureLogs("Launching app") @when("Enter UserID") def methodTwo(context): print("L2 - Enter the UserID in Login Screen") allureLogs("Enter the UserID in Login Screen") @when("Enter password") def methodThree(context): print("L3 - Enter the Password in Login Screen") assert False @then("Verify Home Screen") def methodFour(context): print("L4 - Home Screen Opened") def allureLogs(text): with allure.step(text): pass
import allure from behave import given, when, then @given("Launch the App and Click on Teacher Login Button") def methodOne(context): print("L1 - Launching the App") allureLogs("Launching app") @when("Enter Teacher UserID") def methodTwo(context): print("L2 - Enter the UserID in Login Screen") allureLogs("Enter the UserID in Login Screen") @when("Enter Teacher password") def methodThree(context): print("L3 - Enter the Password in Login Screen") allureLogs("Enter the Password in Login Screen") @then("Verify Teacher Home Screen") def methodFour(context): print("L4 - Home Screen Opened") allureLogs("Home Teacher Screen Opened") def allureLogs(text): with allure.step(text): pass
1. First we need to create feature file loginScreen.feature
2. Now create a steps package along with two python files in it as and
3. Import the allure and behave modules in python files.
4. Create the step definition for the scenarios which are defined in the feature file.
5. Create a method to save steps in allure report
Create a user defined method as allureLogs() which takes a string argument.
def allureLogs(text): with allure.step(text): Pass
Now, We can use this method in python test methods to save the logs in allure reports.
allureLogs("Contact Us Form page opened")
Create a method and add below allure attach method to it. This helps to take screenshots and attach to allure reports.
allure.attach(self.driver.get_screenshot_as_png(), name=text, attachment_type=AttachmentType.PNG)
Here self.driver is an appium or selenium driver object.Please look at the appium framework or selenium framework to use this screenshot method.