Scenario Outline in Behave

This is used when we need to pass multiple values to the same step definition (.py) file.

Below are the steps to create scenario outline.

1. We need to define a term as “outline” beside the scenario name in the feature file.

2. Under Scenario after steps we need to define “Example:” and below this we need to define variable names and values as shown below.

| emailid         |password|Verify Sc|
|| S1234 | SS     |
|| T1234 | TS      |

3. In steps we need to write the parameter name which we defined under “Example:” in “< >” as When Enter <emailid> UserID

When Enter <emailid> UserID
When Enter  <password> password
Then Verify <Verify Sc> Screen

Below is the way we define the “Scenario Outline” concept.

We can define the required number of parameters side by side along with values.

	Here we are passing different login details to verify whether it is a Student or Teacher login to the same step definition file.


# This is a Feature file

Feature: Fill the Contact Form

    Scenario Outline: User Login credentials

        Given Launch the App and Click on Login Button
        When Enter <emailid> UserID
        When Enter  <password> password
        Then Verify <Verify Sc> Screen

             | emailid         |password|Verify Sc|
             || S1234 | SS     |
             || T1234 | TS      |

from behave import given, when, then

@given("Launch the App and Click on Login Button")
def methodOne(context):
    print("L1 - Launching the App")

@when("Enter {emailid} UserID")
def methodTwo(context,emailid):
    print("L2 - Enter the UserID in Login Screen {} ".format(emailid))

@when("Enter {pasw} password")
def methodThree(context,pasw):
    print("L3 - Enter the Password {} in Login Screen".format(pasw))

@then("Verify {screen} Screen")
def methodFour(context,screen):
    print("L4 - {} screen".format(screen))