It uses a complete XML root path of HTML structure to the required MobileElement.
This Absolute XPath is not recommended because whenever the XML structure changes then we need to update the XPath as well every time.
Syntax :
Example :
In the below example we are launching the app on an Android device and clicking on the button using id and enter the text using absolute
from appium import webdriver from appium.webdriver.common.appiumby import AppiumBy import time # Step 1 : Create "Desired Capabilities" desired_caps = {} desired_caps['platformName'] = 'Android' desired_caps['automationName'] = 'UiAutomator2' desired_caps['platformVersion'] = '10' desired_caps['deviceName'] = 'Pixel3XL' desired_caps['app'] = ('/Skill2Lead/Appium_Demo_App/Android/Android_Appium_Demo.apk') desired_caps['appPackage'] = 'com.skill2lead.appiumdemo' desired_caps['appActivity'] = 'com.skill2lead.appiumdemo.MainActivity' # Step 2 : Create "Driver object" driver = webdriver.Remote("", desired_caps) ele_id = driver.find_element(AppiumBy.ID,"com.skill2lead.appiumdemo:id/EnterValue") # Step 3 : "Click on the button using XPath value" ele_xapth = driver.find_element(AppiumBy.XPATH,"/android.widget.LinearLayout/android.widget.FrameLayout/android.widget.LinearLayout/android.widget.FrameLayout/android.view.ViewGroup/android.widget.FrameLayout[2]/android.widget.LinearLayout/android.widget.EditText") ele_xapth.send_keys("skill2lead") # Step 4 : Wait for 2 seconds time.sleep(2) # Step 5 : Close the driver object driver.quit()