Alert Popups

Alert is a popup window which shows on screen when we click any button or open a new window.

There are different reasons when an alert shows on the screen.

When the user clicks on a button it shows an alert popup with a message , it asks us to enter some text in it etc.

There are three types of alert popup in HTML.

  • Alert Box
  • Prompt Alert Box
  • Confirm Alert Box

Below are the four methods which handle the alerts in selenium.

accept() Method:

This method is used to click on “OK button”.

Syntax: alert_class_object.accept()

dismiss() Method:

This method is used to click on the “Cancel button”.

Syntax: alert_class_object.dismiss()

text property :

This property is used to fetch the text on a given WebElement.It doesn’t take any argument and it returns a string value.

Syntax: alert_class_object.text

send_keys() :

This method enters a text in an editbox.It takes a string as an argument and it doesn’t return anything.

Syntax: alert_class_object.send_keys(“text value”)

Let's discuss one by one in the next chapter.