Let's discuss one by one of all deselect methods which is supported on multiselect options.
This property is used to verify whether WebElement supports multiselect or not.By using a select class object.It doesn’t take any argument but returns boolean value true or false.
ele = wait.until(ec.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "multiselect"))) # Create the object for Select class ms_options = Select(ele) print("Check whether it is a multi select or not : ", ms_options.is_multiple)
This property is used to get all selected options.It doesn’t take any argument but returns list value.
As we discussed earlier in the dropdown chapter.All those select methods are used in this multiselect operation.
ele = wait.until(ec.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "multiselect"))) # Create the object for Select class ms_options = Select(ele) selected_option = ms_options.all_selected_options print("List out all selected options : ", selected_option)
This method is used to deSelect the option using index value.It takes integer value as an argument and it doesn’t return anything.
This method is used to deSelect the option using the value of multi select option.It takes String as an argument and it doesn’t return anything.
This method is used to deSelect the option using the text value of multi select option.It takes String as an argument and it doesn’t return anything.
from selenium import webdriver import time from selenium.common.exceptions import ElementNotVisibleException, NoSuchElementException from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By from selenium.webdriver.support.wait import WebDriverWait from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as ec from selenium.webdriver.support.select import Select driver = webdriver.Chrome("/Users/admin/Documents/Skill2Lead/Others/drivers/chromedriver.exe") driver.get("http://www.dummypoint.com/seleniumtemplate.html") time.sleep(2) wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 25, poll_frequency=1, ignored_exceptions=[ElementNotVisibleException, NoSuchElementException]) ele = wait.until(ec.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "multiselect"))) # import the Select class # Create the object for Select class ms_options = Select(ele) print("Check whether it is a multi select or not : ", ms_options.is_multiple) # List the values in Multi Select ms_v = ms_options.options for ms_value in ms_v: print(ms_value.text) # Click by Index ms_options.select_by_index(1) # Click by Value ms_options.select_by_value("mOptionTWo") # Click by Text ms_options.select_by_visible_text("mOption3") time.sleep(2) selected_option = ms_options.all_selected_options print("List out all selected options : ", selected_option) # deselect_by_index ms_options.deselect_by_index(1) time.sleep(2) # deselect_by_value ms_options.deselect_by_value("mOptionTWo") time.sleep(2) # deselect_by_visible_text ms_options.deselect_by_visible_text("mOption3") time.sleep(5) driver.quit()