In this class we will create all the customized methods which are required for automation like click , send_text , find_element() , find_elements() , screenshot methods etc along with all the logs configuration as well.
Example :
Here we are creating a customized method for clicking on an element. We need to mention under the exception handling because if element is not identified it will print the customized log and proceed the test execution.
def clickOnElement(self, locatorValue, locatorType="id"): try: locatorType = locatorType.lower() webElement = self.waitForElement(locatorValue, locatorType) "Clicked on WebElement with locator value " + locatorValue + " using locatorType " + locatorType) except: self.log.error( "Unable to Click on WebElement with locator value " + locatorValue + " using locatorType " + locatorType) print_stack() assert False
from traceback import print_stack from allure_commons.types import AttachmentType from selenium.common.exceptions import ElementNotVisibleException, NoSuchElementException from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains from import By from import WebDriverWait from import expected_conditions as ec import SeleniumFrameWork.utilities.CustomLogger as cl import allure class BaseClass: log = cl.customLogger() def __init__(self, driver): self.driver = driver def launchWebPage(self, url, title): try: self.driver.get(url) assert title in self.driver.title"Web Page Launched with URL : " + url) except:"Web Page not Launched with URL : " + url) def getLocatorType(self, locatorType): locatorType = locatorType.lower() if locatorType == "id": return By.ID elif locatorType == "name": return By.NAME elif locatorType == "class": return By.CLASS_NAME elif locatorType == "xpath": return By.XPATH elif locatorType == "css": return By.CSS_SELECTOR elif locatorType == "tag": return By.TAG_NAME elif locatorType == "link": return By.LINK_TEXT elif locatorType == "plink": return By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT else: self.log.error("Locator Type : " + locatorType + " entered is not found") return False def getWebElement(self, locatorValue, locatorType="id"): webElement = None try: locatorType = locatorType.lower() locatorByType = self.getLocatorType(locatorType) webElement = self.driver.find_element(locatorByType, locatorValue)"WebElement found with locator value " + locatorValue + " using locatorType " + locatorByType) except: self.log.error( "WebElement not found with locator value " + locatorValue + " using locatorType " + locatorType) print_stack() return webElement def waitForElement(self, locatorValue, locatorType="id"): webElement = None try: locatorType = locatorType.lower() locatorByType = self.getLocatorType(locatorType) wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 25, poll_frequency=1, ignored_exceptions=[ElementNotVisibleException, NoSuchElementException]) webElement = wait.until(ec.presence_of_element_located((locatorByType, locatorValue)))"WebElement found with locator value " + locatorValue + " using locatorType " + locatorType) except: self.log.error( "WebElement not found with locator value " + locatorValue + " using locatorType " + locatorType) print_stack() self.takeScreenshot(locatorType) assert False return webElement def clickOnElement(self, locatorValue, locatorType="id"): try: locatorType = locatorType.lower() webElement = self.waitForElement(locatorValue, locatorType) "Clicked on WebElement with locator value " + locatorValue + " using locatorType " + locatorType) except: self.log.error( "Unable to Click on WebElement with locator value " + locatorValue + " using locatorType " + locatorType) print_stack() assert False def sendText(self, text, locatorValue, locatorType="id"): try: locatorType = locatorType.lower() webElement = self.waitForElement(locatorValue, locatorType) webElement.send_keys(text) "Sent the text " + text + " in WebElement with locator value " + locatorValue + " using locatorType " + locatorType) except: self.log.error( "Unable to Sent the text " + text + " in WebElement with locator value " + locatorValue + "using locatorType " + locatorType) print_stack() self.takeScreenshot(locatorType) assert False def getText(self, locatorValue, locatorType="id"): elementText = None try: locatorType = locatorType.lower() webElement = self.waitForElement(locatorValue, locatorType) elementText = webElement.text "Got the text " + elementText + " from WebElement with locator value " + locatorValue + " using locatorType " + locatorType) except: self.log.error( "Unable to get the text " + elementText + " from WebElement with locator value " + locatorValue + "using locatorType " + locatorType) print_stack() return elementText def isElementDisplayed(self, locatorValue, locatorType="id"): elementDisplayed = None try: locatorType = locatorType.lower() webElement = self.waitForElement(locatorValue, locatorType) elementDisplayed = webElement.is_displayed() "WebElement is Displayed on web page with locator value " + locatorValue + " using locatorType " + locatorType) except: self.log.error( "WebElement is not Displayed on web page with locator value " + locatorValue + " using locatorType " + locatorType) print_stack() return elementDisplayed def scrollTo(self, locatorValue, locatorType="id"): actions = ActionChains(self.driver) try: locatorType = locatorType.lower() webElement = self.waitForElement(locatorValue, locatorType) actions.move_to_element(webElement).perform() "Scrolled to WebElement with locator value " + locatorValue + " using locatorType " + locatorType) except: self.log.error( "Unable to scroll to WebElement with locator value " + locatorValue + "using locatorType " + locatorType) print_stack() def takeScreenshot(self, text): allure.attach(self.driver.get_screenshot_as_png(), name=text, attachment_type=AttachmentType.PNG)