This type of alert box is used to verify or accept the confirmation from the user. Confirm alert box contains “OK" and "Cancel" buttons.
”OK button” - if a user clicks on an ok button it takes true value.
“Cancel button” - if a user clicks on cancel button it takes false value.
from import expected_conditions as ec from selenium.common.exceptions import ElementNotVisibleException, ElementNotSelectableException, NoSuchElementException from import By from import WebDriverWait from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.alert import Alert import time driver = webdriver.Chrome("/Users/admin/Documents/Skill2Lead/others/drivers/chromedriver.exe") # Using Chrome Driver driver.get("") assert "Selenium Template" in driver.title wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 25, poll_frequency=1, ignored_exceptions=[ElementNotVisibleException, ElementNotSelectableException, NoSuchElementException]) wait.until(ec.presence_of_element_located((By.NAME, 'confirmalertb'))).click() time.sleep(2) # Import Alert class # Create the object for Alert class and pass driver object a_button = Alert(driver) time.sleep(2) # accept() method clicks on "OK" button. #a_button.accept() # dismiss() method clicks on "Cancel" button. a_button.dismiss() time.sleep(2) driver.quit()