This method is used to switch to the required window to perform action on that particular window .It takes String as an argument but it doesn’t return anything.
from import expected_conditions as ec from selenium.common.exceptions import ElementNotVisibleException, ElementNotSelectableException, NoSuchElementException from import By from import WebDriverWait from selenium import webdriver import time driver = webdriver.Chrome("/Users/admin/Documents/Skill2Lead/Others/drivers/chromedriver.exe") # Using Chrome Driver driver.get("") assert "Selenium Template" in driver.title wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 25, poll_frequency=1, ignored_exceptions=[ElementNotVisibleException, ElementNotSelectableException, NoSuchElementException]) # To get the current window name window_name = driver.current_window_handle print("Before switching the frame name is : ",window_name) time.sleep(2) # click on popup button to open new window windows_popup = driver.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME,"input") for popup_bs in windows_popup: popup_b = popup_bs.get_attribute("value") if popup_b == "Open a Popup Window2": time.sleep(2) # Print the list of windows are present on the screen in present session windows = driver.window_handles for window in windows: print(window) # switch to required window driver.switch_to.window(windows[1]) time.sleep(2) window_name = driver.current_window_handle print("After switching the frame name is : ",window_name) driver.maximize_window() """ Here switching to new window and performing action on frame (Getting text from the frame) """ ele = wait.until(ec.presence_of_element_located((By.ID,"f2"))) driver.switch_to.frame(ele) data = wait.until(ec.presence_of_element_located((By.ID,"framename"))) print("Frame Name is : ",data.text) time.sleep(5) driver.quit()
Let us discuss Frames in the next chapter.